Contact Me

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Contact Form Demo (#1)
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get in touch

Contact Form Demo (#1)

frequently asked questions

Take a look at my most frequently asked questions - it's not comprehensive so please feel free to use the contact form above to get in touch!

When do I check in?

You will be allocated a day to check in which we will both agree upon. All check ins to be submitted before 10am

Do I get a cheat meal?

All lifestyle clients will be allowed 1 off plan meal a week, granted they have stuck to their plan throughout the week. Prep clients re-feeds will be give as and when needed.

What happens if I miss my check in?

If there is a valid reason for it then I will allow to check in next day or we will work something out.

How much cardio do I need to do?

This is all dependent on your goal and progress and will be very individual.

Do I have to go to the gym?

 Lifestyle clients your nutrition plan will be tailored to any activity you wish to do- running, sports, etc 

What if I travel a lot?

When travelling we can work through WhatsApp and adapt to what is available and manageable.

Do you do nutrition and training for performance athletes?

Yes, I have worked with a number of rugby players, hockey players and endurance athletes.

How do I read or contribute to your Forum?

Simply use any of the contact forms or "Get In Touch" buttons to let me know that you'd like to join the Forum and I'll set you up as a user. Providing you're not a troll or a bot!